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LETTER: Bill 23 'another boondoggle' proposed by 'fuzzy thinkers'

'The only way to change the minds of the people who make these decisions is for folks to vote and get involved,' says reader
More and more often, subdivisions and homes are being built in places that should be protected.

BarrieToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected]. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following letter is in response to 'OUTDOORS: Province's proposed Bill 23 'complete lunacy',' published Nov. 14. 
I just read David Hawke’s commentary on yet another proposed boondoggle by the fuzzy thinkers who make their living at Queen's Park.

Hawke is bang on in his assessment of the underpinnings of this bill. It makes as much sense as the decision to destroy more farmland with an unnecessary highway east-west from Bradford, just so a few folks could save a few minutes in their daily commute.

I lived in the development that Hawke points to in Springwater. The area that was developed had been designated in part as a wetland and unsuitable for development (the southwest portion was full of springs) until a few sharp thinkers started putting pressure on the township.

Then voila, the land we were told when we bought could not be developed was all of a sudden suitable for housing. Our neighbourhood group fought the development for two years, but, of course, it was a foregone conclusion.

Our elections at all levels are given scant notice by most folks; just look at the voter turnout.

Apathy is rampant, and the only way to change the minds of the people who make these decisions is for folks to vote and get involved. I’ll be writing to our local representative as well as the premier's office to let them know my feelings.

I can only hope others will do the same.

Frank Allinson
