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Letters to the Editor

LETTER: Think of the wildlife before tossing those masks on the ground

LETTER: Think of the wildlife before tossing those masks on the ground

'Most of the masks you throw away are made from polypropylene. These masks might take up to 300 years to decompose,' says reader
LETTER: Plenty of blame to go around during pandemic

LETTER: Plenty of blame to go around during pandemic

'Ford gambled on the idea that children do not spread the virus as easily as seniors, which led to multiple school infections,' says reader
LETTER: Former NDP candidate calls on province to provide paid sick days

LETTER: Former NDP candidate calls on province to provide paid sick days

'To protect each other, Ontarians need to be able to stay home if they are sick without fear of losing their jobs or taking a financial hit,' says Pekka Reinio
LETTER: Long road ahead for President-elect Joe Biden

LETTER: Long road ahead for President-elect Joe Biden

'Trump’s presidency reduced the gains made under former president Barack Obama in the areas of racial reconciliation and bi-partisanship,' says letter writer
LETTER: 'Mammoth task' of vaccinations requires patience

LETTER: 'Mammoth task' of vaccinations requires patience

We need a reality check, should go about our business, safely, and revisit the situation at the end of January, says letter writer
LETTER: Lakeshore tower project would 'overpower' existing buildings

LETTER: Lakeshore tower project would 'overpower' existing buildings

'If you approve this development, you will be making the biggest mistake a Barrie council has ever made,' says reader Ken Baxter
LETTER: Reader has several concerns with 'totally ridiculous' tower proposal

LETTER: Reader has several concerns with 'totally ridiculous' tower proposal

'Stop trying to turn the Barrie lakefront into a Miami Beach. We do not have the appropriate year-round weather for that,' says letter writer
LETTER: With tower proposal, reader urges city to keep beach area in mind

LETTER: With tower proposal, reader urges city to keep beach area in mind

'Our hugely expensive Centennial Park development will all be for naught if there is no sun to make our beach, marina, and the waterfront park, warm and inviting,' says Barrie resident
LETTER: Reader 'sickened' by deals made in impaired driving cases

LETTER: Reader 'sickened' by deals made in impaired driving cases

'Unfortunately, the numbers continue to grow at this time of the year across Canada,' says Barrie resident
LETTER: With 'monstrous' development along Barrie's waterfront, size does matter

LETTER: With 'monstrous' development along Barrie's waterfront, size does matter

'This development will have a negative impact on all Barrie residents who use and enjoy our currently sunny waterfront amenities,' say readers