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LETTER: Long road ahead for President-elect Joe Biden

'Trump’s presidency reduced the gains made under former president Barack Obama in the areas of racial reconciliation and bi-partisanship,' says letter writer
2021-01-10 Joe Biden
U.S. President-elect Joe Biden.

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U.S. President-elect Joe Biden would be making a deadly mistake by not prosecuting his predecessor, outgoing President Donald Trump, for his many crimes, not the least of which include tax evasion and bank fraud or the more ambitious crimes such as the extortion of a foreign government or Trump’s obstruction of a congressional investigation into said extortion.

Mr. Biden believes that holding Trump accountable would trigger bloodshed such as America has never before seen. True, the Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol Building was partially instigated by Trump who asked his supporters to not accept the Electoral College’s certification and installation of Mr. Biden as the incoming president.

Simply stated, Mr. Biden has no choice; he is at war whether he wishes it or not. Hate-mongers, racists, and scoundrels attacked the seat of power and halted Congressional and Senate deliberations over the installation of the newly crowned president.

Failing to act against Trump, the master of these seditious activities, to quote Biden himself, would show Americans that the rule of law has failed. Armed groups placed bombs outside the headquarters of the Democratic and Republican parties; fools and ne’er-do-wells tramped inside the Capitol taking selfies and fighting with security personnel; families gathered outside whilst merchants hawked trinkets as though this were merely another county fair.

Donald Trump’s presidency reduced the gains made under former president Barack Obama in the areas of racial reconciliation and bi-partisanship. He brought out the very worst in nearly everyone. What transpired in Washington will please the very worst nations, like China, who will thrive on this moral civil waged inside America’s very heart.  

America is possessed by a particularly wicked ‘demon,’ the demon of ignorance, racism, anarchy, and selfishness. And Mr. Biden must exorcise that demon to save his nation’s soul. 

Christopher Mansour
