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Letters to the Editor

LETTER: 24-storey condo tower will ruin Collingwood's view

LETTER: 24-storey condo tower will ruin Collingwood's view

Public not asked about proposed Terminals Point buildings or cost to town's taxpayers, laments letter writer
LETTER: Homelessness debate 'missing fundamental cause'

LETTER: Homelessness debate 'missing fundamental cause'

'City's approach of displacing encampments isn't solving homelessness; it's merely shuffling human suffering from one location to another,' says advocate
LETTER: Councillor wage increase reveals confusion among voters

LETTER: Councillor wage increase reveals confusion among voters

'If you, as a voter, do not like what is happening at the county, do not vote for the re-election of your incumbent mayor and deputy mayor,' says letter writer
LETTER: The way to solve homelessness is to build homes

LETTER: The way to solve homelessness is to build homes

'Nobody should live in a tent. We all want people living in homes and kids playing in parks,' says local advocate
LETTER: Homelessness situation 'complex but solvable'

LETTER: Homelessness situation 'complex but solvable'

'Solving it requires genuine community collaboration, not rhetoric or misleading agendas. A dignified and compassionate approach is essential for progress,' says letter writer
LETTER: Province spouting 'Reagan-esque rhetoric' about drugs

LETTER: Province spouting 'Reagan-esque rhetoric' about drugs

'Maybe if we could have seen addiction as our first brush with drugs ... we'd all have humanized, compassionate feelings toward addiction,' says letter writer
LETTER: Tree of Hope brings much-needed attention to missing women

LETTER: Tree of Hope brings much-needed attention to missing women

'It’s important to recognize that these stories aren’t ones that are happening only in the media or in other countries,' says letter writer
LETTER: School board's stance 'high-handed and arrogant'

LETTER: School board's stance 'high-handed and arrogant'

Reader says board's 'well-funded and staffed communications department' should be responding to media inquiries rather than on 'rebuilding relationships'
LETTER: Schools need to do better on teaching climate change

LETTER: Schools need to do better on teaching climate change

The urgency of the climate crisis demands that we provide teachers with the tools to educate and empower the next generation, says letter writer
LETTER: Longtime Innisfil resident explains why he moved away

LETTER: Longtime Innisfil resident explains why he moved away

'This town is gone and what is left is nothing but an expensive suburb,' says reader