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Everything King (with Wendy King)

It's not cool to be hot. So, store owners, turn down the heat!

It's not cool to be hot. So, store owners, turn down the heat!

In this week's Everything King, Wendy has advice for store owners everywhere on how to be cool
If things start to go wonky in life, blame the Mercury retrograde

If things start to go wonky in life, blame the Mercury retrograde

No matter your zodiac sign, as Wendy explains in this week's Everything King, Mercury is shaking things up


Hallowe'en is not so scary, but in this week's Everything King, Wendy declares the real fear comes Nov. 3
From the flu shot to Christmas decorations, debunking fake news

From the flu shot to Christmas decorations, debunking fake news

In this week's Everything King, Wendy tackles season's greetings and flu shots
Post-Thanksgiving gratitude list

Post-Thanksgiving gratitude list

The gratitude should linger well past the Thanksgiving leftovers. In this week's Everything King, Wendy makes her list.
Stepping back in time to relive the drive-in experience

Stepping back in time to relive the drive-in experience

The drive-ins of 2019 are the best of retro and high tech, so in Everything King, Wendy experiences past and future all at once
There's one in every class

There's one in every class

When you look around your classroom, do you recognize anyone? In this week's Everything King, Wendy goes back to school for a day
Fall TV shows: Let's get this right!

Fall TV shows: Let's get this right!

It is TV Premiere Week, so in Everything King, Wendy has some constructive criticism for the television industry
A nature lover is born

A nature lover is born

Better late than never, in this week's Everything King, Wendy learns to appreciate nature close to home
Once upon a time... a movie that really stunk

Once upon a time... a movie that really stunk

In this week's Everything King, Wendy reviews her most hated movie of the year