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What has 25 truck loads of snow and doesn't breathe fire?

A giant snow dragon sculpture for Barrie Winterfest
2018-01-24 Siggi ice sculptor
Artist Siggi Buhler (right) and colleague Jordan Smith stand on a mound of snow that will be used to create a giant snow dragon. Sue Sgambati/BarrieToday

Artist Siggi Buhler is back for his 18th year at Barrie Winterfest where the talented sculptor will carve his giant snow creations. 

This year's theme is dragons, fairies and fantasy, including a giant snow throne built for climbing on and taking selfies.

"It will be inviting to go up and sit on," said Buhler.

Buhler and colleague Jordan Smith are starting their series of creations with a dragon. Twenty-five truck loads of snow are being delivered to Heritage Park.  

When asked how big the dragon will be, Buhler, as always responds with humour. 

"It will be dragon size," he jokes.  And how big is dragon size?  "It's anybody's guess."

"There will be fairy ruins, like fairies were part of our civilization. I'm playing with our sense of ruins," he said. 

Last year, Buhler carved iconic Canadian symbols for our country's 150th birthday including giant size moose and Mounties.

With fellow sculptor Smith, Buhler is hoping the weather stays cold enough to preserve their craftsmanship.

"I have people praying for me, especially from the city," he laughed.

Barrie Winterfest runs Feb. 3 and 4 in Heritage Park, downtown Barrie and locations throughout the community.

For details click here.