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Town of Innisfil facilities closed for COVID restrictions

Innisfil Town Hall will be closed for walk-in services as of Friday; All indoor arenas, in-person programming and drop-in programming postponed until at least Jan. 26
Innisfil Town Hall. Natasha Philpott/InnisfilToday

In response to the provincial announcement of a modified Step Two of the Roadmap to Reopen, the Town of Innisfil has announced the following impacts to town facilities:

Town Hall
Town Hall will be closed for walk-in services as of Friday, Jan. 7, 2022. Customer service continues to provide residents access to town services through phone and a variety of digital options. Residents are encouraged to utilize our online resources at, including our new Citizen Portal “MyInnisfil” which provides 24/7 access to many of our services. If you require in-person services, please connect with Customer Service at 705-436-3710 or [email protected] to inquire about appointment availability.  

Innisfil Recreational Complex, Stroud Innisfil Community Centre (arena) and South Innisfil Community Centre (Lefroy Arena)
All indoor arenas (ice surfaces), in-person programming and drop-in programming have been postponed until at least Jan 26. Many in-person programs have moved to the virtual platform and have been re-costed at a virtual programming cost structure, while some in-person programs have been postponed to start at a later date. For more information contact Active Innisfil at 705-436-3710 or by email 

The Town of Innisfil is working closely with the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit and other community partners to monitor the evolving COVID-19 situation. Please continue to check and our Facebook and Twitter accounts for updates.
