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Third Age Barrie ready to unveil new Window into the Arts series

This six-part series will be livestreamed Tuesday afternoons from Sept. 22 to Oct. 27
unveiling stock curtains

This fall, Third Age Barrie is thrilled to present six speakers on appreciating various art forms – opera, theatre, visual art, language, architecture, and orchestra. They will take us through the creative process from inspiration to production, and the impact of art that broadens our view of the world and all its possibilities.

This six-part series, Window into the Arts, will take place on Tuesdays from Sept. 22 to Oct. 27, from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m., livestreamed on Zoom directly to your home.

The cost for the series is $60.

For more information about the topics and presenters, and to register, go to and click on Buy Tickets.

Sept. 22 - Iain Scott - In Search of ‘The Lady of the Camellias
Sept. 29 - Arkady Spivak - Making Theatre Possible
Oct. 6 - Osnat Lippa - Just Picasso
Oct. 13 - Marta O’Brien - Architecture, Now I Get It!
Oct. 20 - Katherine Barber - Why is the English Language So Wacky?
Oct. 27 - Brian Carlile - Musicians’ Musician, Everyman’s Composer

While we wait for pandemic-free safety, we can continue to connect and learn this way. And what better topic as we continue to live with pandemic uncertainty, than the creative arts!
