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Codrington students continue to help others with 'heart-warming' gestures

'They just have that goodness in their heart and it’s very touching,' says teacher

The Global Action Team at Codrington Public School is at it again.

The team, made up of student “leaders” in Grades 4 to 8 at the Barrie school, has been busy rifling through their closets in recent weeks looking for summer clothing they may have outgrown to donate to the Barrie Family’s Unite (BFU) summer clothing campaign.

“The kids were talking about something to do, and thought (the clothing drive) would be something good as it would be directly impacting their own community,” said Kim Redmond, a teacher at the east-end school.

Students had hoped to run their clothing drive for a month, but the provincial lockdown put a crimp in those plans.

Redmond said they had initially set April 22 as the final date they would be able to accept donation drop-offs at the school, but as she is able to be on site, that date has been extended for another week.

“Right before the Easter break, the kids put together a message that was included in the newsletter which was posted on the school website as well as announcement on the PA system,” said Redmond.

The message the students were sharing with their classmates was that with the weather getting nice and many starting to bring out their summer clothes, they’d likely find some they had outgrown. Rather than throwing them in the landfill, they could donate them to somebody else who needs them.

Redmond told BarrieToday she couldn’t be more proud of the group for taking the initiative.

“They notice these little needs and things they can do that are just so impressive to us adults," she said. "To them it just seems like the logical thing to do… if they don’t need it why wouldn’t they give it to someone else who does.”

During an online class last week, Redmond noted BFU is specifically requesting more clothes for boys sizes 10 through 16, and said two of her male students quickly disappeared off camera, returning to tell her they’d told their mother and had plans to look through their stuff over the weekend. 

“They just have that goodness in their heart and it’s very touching. It makes my heart very happy, especially knowing that there are so many people in our community that need the help,” she said. “They know this is going to help someone right here and right now and that’s something that they are so happy about.”

BFU founder Nikki Glahn anticipates this clothing drive will fulfil at least 200 individual requests for help with summer clothing.

Each clothing kit will be assembled according to the detailed online request form that recipients have submitted and safely delivered via contact-less porch delivery, she said, adding while fulfilment is already underway, they will accept donations and requests until the end of April.

“I am super excited to see the youth step up and organize a clothing drive to support BFU’s summer clothing campaign,” she said. “It’s such a needed aspect of education, as I think it’s  critical that our future adults and leaders learn about the importance of being mindful and aware of everyone in our global community, not the least of which are those families in our own backyard. Way to go Cardinals!”

One load of donations has already been delivered, noted Redmond, adding they loaded up the vehicle of another teacher, who is also a BFU volunteer, to the roof.

“It was packed. They couldn't fit another bag in,” she said, adding her students are already asking what they can do next. “They’re already looking for another thing to take on.”

Donations, preferably in bags or boxes, can be brought to the office doors at 217 Codrington St., closest to the parking lot and portable. Please ring the bell and someone will be out to accept your donations.

If no one answers the bell, donations can be left at the doors.

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About the Author: Nikki Cole

Nikki Cole has been a community issues reporter for BarrieToday since February, 2021
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