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Bhangra dancer brings message of hope, positivity to Barrie

Gurdeep Pandher, whose videos often go viral, will perform this evening at Meridian Place in downtown Barrie

Gurdeep Pandher has danced his way into hearts across Canada, and now he's coming to Barrie to share his joy with the local community.

The Bhangra dancer from the Yukon has become famous for his uplifting dance videos, which routinely go viral; featured in news media worldwide. Now Pandher is taking his message of hope and positivity across the country in person. Pandher will perform on the stage at Meridian Place in downtown Barrie tonight (Oct. 18) at 6 p.m. 

Bhangra is a folk dance from the Punjab region of India, created by Sikh farmers. It's an energetic workout with a celebratory feel.

Pandher was born into a farming family in a small village in Siahar, Punjab. He's been dancing almost as long as he's been walking and began professional Bhangra lessons at 17. Pandher moved to Canada in 2006, living in several provinces before finding a home in the Yukon. Through Bhangra dancing, Pandher promotes building cross-cultural bridges, understanding and inclusivity. 

 "I am so excited to have the opportunity to sponsor this event and bring Gurdeep Pandher’s message of positivity, joy and hope through Bhangra dancing to Meridian Place and Downtown Barrie,” states Peggy Hill, real estate agent at Re/Max.

Gurdeep Pandher, a Bhangra artist and educator from the Yukon, will create a unique happiness-show blending dance, teaching, joy-philosophy and more. Pandher is best known for spreading joy, hope and positivity during the pandemic annas over half a million followers throughout his social media platforms. Pandher will share his best tips to find joy in darkness, followed by an interactive lesson and performance. After the dance moves are taught, everybody joins together to dance to uplifting Bhangra music. During the breaks in the show, Pandher will also give his own Bhangra performance. Bhangra is a traditional dance in Punjab. 

It takes a community to bring an event like this together. Thank you to our incredible business community for helping bring this event together last minute. We know the importance of inclusivity in our region, and celebrating that with a happiness-show blending dance, teaching joy-philosophy, and more with Pandher is exactly how we do that. We share a multitude of gratitude to The Peggy Hill Team, Allure Hotel and Conference Centre, The Downtown BIA and Aim High Go Higher for joining forces to bring our community together.

For more information, please contact Louise Jackson, president and founder of Aim High Go Higher, at [email protected] or call at 705-321-5877; you can also contact Sarah Jensen, chair of Downtown Barrie BIA at [email protected]

For more information on the Downtown Barrie BIA, visit this website.
