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LETTER: Nothing ever gets done about speeding on Lakeshore Drive

'The real deterrent that everyone is skirting around is enforcement,' writes reader Stephen J. Oaks.
Lakeshore Drive in Barrie

BarrieToday received the following letter about Lakeshore Drive speeding complaints.

It was with mirth that I read the article in BarrieToday about the lowdown on the slowdown on Lakeshore Drive.

I say mirth because the complaints have been rolling in for years and there has been no action taken on anyone’s part. I also see very little in the actions mentioned in the article that will solve the noise or speeding issues.

The only real attempt to address the problem is the annual August project that BPS announced, and they publish a photo of an officer looking under a vehicle at the exhaust system and mentioning a few speeding violations. Then, it is good until next August.

Most people stick to the speed limit but there are those who take it as a suggestion. Those who ignore the 50 will also ignore the 40. The pedestrians will then have a mistaken greater sense of safety. One pass down Lakeshore Drive and the drivers will know where the camera is (it will be well advertised) and anywhere else along the road, they will speed up. There is still no deterrent.

Ditto with the noise radar. It will probably be well advertised as well so the pinheads will coast through that area and then create a louder noise once out of range.
The real deterrent that everyone is skirting around is enforcement. Yes, it takes manpower. Yes, you have to catch them. But then you find out who they are, and they lose demerit points as well as paying a fine. That will thin their numbers. Then you will have fewer speeders and fewer noise makers.

Until now they have been speeding and making noise with impunity. Their numbers grow because they know they can do it.

Stephen J. Oaks.
