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LETTER: Logistics behind Barrie's larger bins nightmarish

'Make the bloody bins the same size as our existing green bins now,' says letter writer

BarrieToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following is in response to 'LETTER: City waste collection changes 'daunting' for seniors,' published Nov. 21. 

Change is daunting for everyone, not just seniors — and that senior has nailed it on the head.

Who in God's name is the designer for the robotics? I'm a retired tool maker and they obviously have not put much design thought into the bin containers to match the robotic arm.

Make the bloody bins the same size as our existing green bins now.

There's no reason that robotic arm can't be adjusted to accommodate a smaller sized bin. That's the only for the large bins because it's less design engineering.

The logistics behind these large bins is a nightmare. I own three homes and rent out four apartments and live in the third. That's six dinosaurs in the yard of each house.

Everyone over the last 20 years has adapted to what we have and it works. Rubbermaid and all the other companies have had designed containers to hold all those older bins at $200 a pop and now I have to throw those out because they can't be repurposed.

Nobody wants there yard full of those ugly containers lined up in their yards. Who are these people who dictate that we have to adopt to there crazy ideas?

Everyone knows all these recycling companies are not working and that's because they haven't come up with system that is universal and that's why all of Canada's plastic bags are ending up in India.

Also, the new garbage bins do not lock to keep raccoons out of them when they knock them over.

I'm paying $4,000 a year per house in taxes for this? Unbelievable.

Lorne Dion