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Mayor Lehman, in self isolation, staying busy behind the scenes

'I really am happy to see our city doing what it does best, which is being there for each other,' says Barrie's mayor
2019-05-22 Mayor Jeff Lehman crop
Barrie Mayor Jeff Lehman. Photo supplied

Despite being in self-isolation after a recent trip to the U.S., Barrie mayor Jeff Lehman is hard at work assisting the city as best he can while listening to the experts.

Lehman spoke with BarrieToday via phone to discuss the recent COVID-19 health crisis and how it was affecting the city and the people in it. He also touched on how he was feeling after announcing on social media Monday that he was self-isolating.

“I’m totally fine, no reason for concern with me. I’m just doing what health officials ask of anyone who was caught travelling during this,” said Lehman. 

While Lehman may be keeping to himself behind closed doors for the time being, the mayor is certainly not keeping a low profile. 

Lehman has constantly shared news and advice from health officials, posted about government strategies and also offered tips to those who are nervous at this time. 

He told BarrieToday why he was not voicing too much of his own thoughts on the current crisis.

“What we need now are for the people who know what they’re talking about to do the talking. My place is to help get the expert advice out to our community,” said Lehman. “There is no time here for political grandstanding. I think the Premier and Prime Minister have both done very well at not doing that.”

“Politics need to be put to the side and take a break. As mayor, I am in video conference calls all day discussing how to help get the word out to those who need it in our community and strategies that may be coming for our residents.”

The mayor said he was meeting with business leaders and organizations in the community on how to aid those who need it and how to get the word out to those who need to know.

Another topic of interest to Lehman was how to help people in the community who will have trouble helping themselves.

“We’ll be putting together some task forces to assist with the vulnerable in our city,” said Lehman. “Those affected by homelessness, the elderly and others who are likely very scared, like all of us. They have the added fear of feeling forgotten and we’re working on how to fix that.”

Lehman said one thing through this crisis stands out to him when things seem chaotic.

“Our community is coming together so well, sharing ideas, delivering goods and starting Facebook groups to help the isolated feel like they have people to talk to,” said Lehman. “I really am happy to see our city doing what it does best, which is being there for each other.”

Barrie City Council and Committee meetings have been cancelled up to and including the week of April 6.