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Remember This?

Remember This? The fiery history of the Simcoe Hotel

Remember This? The fiery history of the Simcoe Hotel

Mary Harris plumbs the depths of the local landmark's history, and its basement
Remember This? 'Every storm has a story to tell'

Remember This? 'Every storm has a story to tell'

This is the tale of the EF4 tornado that struck in 1985
Remember This? We need to talk about the cook book ladies

Remember This? We need to talk about the cook book ladies

A collection of recipes put down on paper by a group of Barrie women 117 years ago endure and will be celebrated this month
Remember This? The dawn of family camping in Barrie

Remember This? The dawn of family camping in Barrie

Early tourist operations were seen as appealing only to the poorest class. One Barrie alderman likened one such spot to 'a squatter's camp'
Remember This? Oh the things that went down at Roxboro after the oysters were disposed of

Remember This? Oh the things that went down at Roxboro after the oysters were disposed of

That's when the literary chit-chat would commence
Remember This? Hand drills, porcelain teeth and dentistry in Barrie in the early 1900s

Remember This? Hand drills, porcelain teeth and dentistry in Barrie in the early 1900s

In this week's Remember This?, Mary Harris looks at 19th century, Barrie dentist Charles Bosanko
Remember This? You’ve come a long way, baby! (5 photos)

Remember This? You’ve come a long way, baby! (5 photos)

The women and girls of Barrie are no more immune to the prevailing styles than their sisters in Toronto, or other larger centres
Remember This? When cows go missing - cattle rustlers among us

Remember This? When cows go missing - cattle rustlers among us

Cattle rustlers in Simcoe County? Yes indeed. Not just fictional characters in a John Wayne movie, these low-down n’er do wells popped up more often than you would think in this part of Ontario
Remember This? Drug abuse in the 1800s — yes, in Barrie! (5 photos)

Remember This? Drug abuse in the 1800s — yes, in Barrie! (5 photos)

need intro
Remember This? The prolific Mr. Ball (5 photos)

Remember This? The prolific Mr. Ball (5 photos)

If you have lived in Barrie for many years, chances are good that you have marvelled at Mr. Ball ’s handiwork, even if you didn’t realize it at the time