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OUTDOORS: Nature showing numerous signs of summer's end

OUTDOORS: Nature showing numerous signs of summer's end

Changes in plants, birds, rodents signal arrival of autumn, nature columnist explains
OUTDOORS: Turn water-taking frustrations into action

OUTDOORS: Turn water-taking frustrations into action

'If all you do is wring your hands, moan and complain, and write emotional letters to the editor, nothing will change,' says columnist
OUTDOORS: Forest floor's contents tell important story

OUTDOORS: Forest floor's contents tell important story

The 'hard mast' and 'soft mast' will have a direct impact on local wildlife and will influence the behaviours of many creatures, says nature columnist
OUTDOORS: Strategy needed to take sting out of hornets' nest

OUTDOORS: Strategy needed to take sting out of hornets' nest

Hornets were so busy 'with their nectar and pollen gathering that a slow-moving giant was of little concern to them,' says columnist, who took a hands-off approach to problem
OUTDOORS: Oh deer! Beware and be careful on local roads

OUTDOORS: Oh deer! Beware and be careful on local roads

'Larger mammals, such as deer, moose and bear, pose real threats to both your vehicle and your personal well-being,' warns nature columnist
OUTDOORS: Are tasty wild berries fair game for us humans?

OUTDOORS: Are tasty wild berries fair game for us humans?

When picking up a snack from the wild side, you have to have a wide perspective and there are many elements to consider, warns columnist
OUTDOORS: Fascinating spittlebug is a marvel of nature

OUTDOORS: Fascinating spittlebug is a marvel of nature

Those glistening masses of spit hanging along plant stems are actually temporary homes for little insects called froghoppers, says columnist
OUTDOORS: Are we loving monarch butterflies to death?

OUTDOORS: Are we loving monarch butterflies to death?

Whenever people meddle with wildlife, the ripple effects and hidden threats must be looked at and respected, warns nature columnist
OUTDOORS: Confusion reigns over fate of monarch butterfly

OUTDOORS: Confusion reigns over fate of monarch butterfly

Emotion and compassion can motivate many people to do what they think is the right thing ... it can also get in the way of science, warns nature columnist
OUTDOORS: Barns, 'monuments of hope', fading from landscape

OUTDOORS: Barns, 'monuments of hope', fading from landscape

'Good wood was used, good friends came to build them, and good use was made of these barns' that are now few and far between, laments columnist