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Barrie police taking part in national campaign to make roads safer

Police will be focused on impaired driving, aggressive and distracted driving and driving without a seat belt
Police lights 3
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Tomorrow, Oct. 8, marks the beginning of Operation Impact 2021, a national public awareness campaign aimed at making Canada's roads the safest in the world. By promoting safe driving behaviours, we hope to help prevent collisions, save lives, and reduce injuries on our roads.

From Oct. 8 to 11, 2021, police across the country will be focused on behaviours that put drivers, passengers, and other road users at risk: impaired driving due to alcohol, drugs or fatigue, as well as aggressive driving, distracted driving and driving without a seat belt.

Most collisions are not ‘accidents,’ they are generally the direct result of a conscious decision an individual driver has made. If there were zero problematic driving behaviours at the wheel, we could expect zero collisions, zero injuries and zero deaths on our roads. This year, we are inviting residents in our community to Be a hero. Aim for zero.

“Our dedicated Traffic Services Unit works year-round to help keep Barrie roads safe for all users,” said Barrie Police Service Traffic Sergeant Chris Allport. “We know most drivers are making safe decisions, but unfortunately there are many that choose not to.

"During Operation Impact, we remind all drivers to make sure they are not engaging in any behaviours that put themselves and other road users at risk: impaired driving due to alcohol, drugs or fatigue, as well as aggressive driving, distracted driving, and driving without a seat belt.”

Motor vehicle collisions kill about 2000 Canadians, seriously injure another 10,000 people, and injure about 165000 citizens in this country each year.

It is not a coincidence that the timing of this campaign to achieve safer streets and highways takes place during this long weekend. More people are travelling, and collisions are therefore more frequent.

Operation Impact is organized by the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police, under the leadership of the CACP Traffic Safety Committee, in support of Canada’s Road Safety Strategy 2025.
