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RUSSELL, Douglas George


Doug 1a
It’s on this day Monday November 29  2021 that the lord God in his infinite wisdom end the earthly journey of our brother Douglas George Russell . Doug started his journey July 8 1953 and travelled and touch the lives of those he met. Toward the later years he struggled with MS , and finish his stay ,and was cared for ,at the Newmarket Residential Home. His final days and hours was spent with the love and care of the ICU staff at South Lake Regional  Hospital.
Doug’s body has been cremated, and a celebration of life and internment will take place in the spring of the new year .
Though death has taken Doug ,we comfort in the fact that Jesus Christ our risen lord and saviour has conquered death and that  by grace” he watches over both or coming and going, both now and forevermore” (psalm 121:8)

Memories and Condolences