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Mary-Ellen is jumping out of plane for Youth Haven

Shelter's fundraising campaign is called 'Face Your Fears'
2017-09-27 Director of Fund Development, Mary-Ellen O’Neill Madeley
Mary-Ellen O’Neill-Madeley is the Director of Fund Development at Youth Haven. Sue Sgambati/BarrieToday

What is your fear?

Are you afraid of public speaking, the dark, thunderstorms, snakes, bugs or clowns?

All of us have something that scares us.

With that in mind, Barrie’s Youth Haven is in the midst of a fundraising campaign called “Face Your Fears”.

The idea came about when Director of Fund Development, Mary-Ellen O’Neill-Madeley was turning fifty and decided in lieu of a birthday party, she wanted to do something out of her comfort zone. She expanded it deciding to do it for donations and give the money to Youth Haven.

The shelter, in downtown Barrie, offers shelter to at- risk homeless youth between the ages of 16 and 24 in Simcoe County.

On Saturday, O’Neill-Madeley will do a tandem jump out of a plane at Skydive Toronto in Innisfil.

She's more frightened than excited.

“I don’t like flying. I don’t even like balconies and the whole idea is making me ill," said O’Neill Madeley.

She will go through a couple of hours of training and then jump on Saturday around noon.

O’Neill-Madeley says she is doing this to send a message to the young clients of the local shelter.

“I am choosing to face my fear but these kids don’t get to make that choice. They get up every day and face judgement, ridicule, bullying and the stress of trying to get a job. My heart goes out to them. I want to send the message that I am doing this for them.”

The “Face Your Fear” event will be Saturday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Skydive Toronto at 3065 4th line of Innisfil.

Spectators are welcome. There will also be “face your fear” booths where people can challenge themselves.

There is a goal of $10,000 dollars and currently there is still about $6,000 to go.

O’Neill Madeley is terrified of heights and takes some consolation in the fact she won't be jumping alone.

"My husband, who has never even been on a plane, is jumping with me." 

 For more information on how to donate, click here.

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About the Author: Wendy King

Wendy King writes about all kinds of things from nutrition to the job search from cats to clowns — anything and everything — from the ridiculous to the sublime. Watch for Wendy's column weekly.
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