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Group appeals zoning amendment for waste management facility

Environmental Resource Recovery Centre (ERRC) is slated to be built on Horseshoe Valley Road West in Springwater Township, north of Barrie


SPRINGWATER TOWNSHIP – The Friends of Simcoe Forest is appealing the Ministry’s decision to approve Amendment 2 to the County of Simcoe Official Plan.

The purpose of the County Official Plan Amendment No. 2 is to facilitate the development of a waste management facility referred to as the Environmental Resource Recovery Centre in the Township of Springwater (2976 Horseshoe Valley Road West).

The county is proposing to remove at least 5 ha (12.35 acres) of woodland within the Township of Springwater to accommodate the construction of an Environmental Resource Recovery Centre. This woodland is within the Growth Plan Natural Heritage System (NHS) and is designated as Greenlands in the County Official Plan (OP).

The removal of at least 5 ha (12.35 acres) of woodland will result in negative impacts to at least two key natural heritage features within the Growth Plan NHS (significant woodland and significant wildlife habitat).

It is the Friends of Simcoe Forests position that the decision is not consistent with the policies of the Provincial Policy Statement, Growth Plan and County of Simcoe Official Plan related to development and site alteration within Natural Heritage Systems, Key Natural Heritage Features and Greenlands.

Friends of Simcoe Forests is a not-for-profit incorporated organization whose goal is to inform and unite all people interested in conservation of Simcoe County Forest.
