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Essa fitness studio holding grand opening May 6

Elevate Fitness by Christina Garriock began with online classes during pandemic
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Elevate Fitness by Christina Garriock will celebrate its grand opening with a ribbon-cutting ceremony performed by the mayor of Essa Township on Saturday, May 6, 2023 at 11 a.m. at its studio located at Baxter’s Corners, 104 Murphy Rd., Essa Township, just minutes from Angus.

Owner Christina Garriock started this business in 2020 and was prepared to teach fitness classes in person as of April 1, 2020, when the lockdowns in Ontario had her pivot instead of giving up. The group ranges from age six to seniors and consists of all fitness levels.

She started teaching her classes from her home live online via Zoom and Facebook Live. As the participants could only see her during class, she started asking clients to come on early and get to know each other and socialize virtually. Many friendships were formed and the community continued to grow.

Within the first year, when the weather got warmer in the spring, the classes moved outdoors to parks where everyone finally got to meet face-to-face.

Since then, Elevate has taught in-person and online, renting spaces hourly and now three years later is taking it to the next level. Classes include various types of strength, bounce (kangoo jumps), pop-up yoga workshops, and various other events. They also offer online personal coaching to provide support (nutrition and workouts) for great rates to reach your goals.

Elevate is an inclusive community to help you reach your goals in and out of the gym.

For more information please contact Christina, 104 Murphy Rd., Essa (Baxter’s Corners), 705-794-5175.

Facebook/Instagram: @elevatefitnesscg.

