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LETTER: Resident wants taxes spent on roads, not waterfront improvements

'On weekends, Barrie families can’t even find a parking space at the waterfront and they’re the ones who have paid for it,' says letter-writer
The Barrie waterfront is shown in a file photo.

BarrieToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected]. Please include your daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following letter is from a Barrie resident about ways to improve the city. 

I’m a citizen of Barrie and have lived here since 1995 and at that time I always loved the natural beauty of the waterfront.

But unfortunately the last improvements that were done a few years ago have ruined that aspect.

So why make it look more artificial? 

I think the Barrie taxpayers' money would be better spent on resurfacing the disgraceful conditions of the city roads.

I know the reason to spend the money on the waterfront is to attract more visitors, but on weekends Barrie families can’t even find a parking space at the waterfront and they’re the ones who have paid for it. All they can do is drive past and watch the visitors enjoy it, so I feel the only improvement needs done to the waterfront is to have a separate citizens parking area.

Kay Graham
