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LETTER: ONroute billboards 'not distracting at all'

'Passing them at normal highway speed one really doesn't notice them any more than any other billboard,' reader writes
The Barrie ONroute from Highway 400, south of Essa Road, as seen from the Harvie-Big Bay Point bridge.

BarrieToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following is in response to 'LETTER: More distractions the last thing needed on Hwy. 400,' published April 20.

Seaghan Hancocks' letter was obviously written by someone who has not see the new billboards at the ONroute Centres along the 400-series of highways. 

The are not distracting at all and passing them at normal highway speed one really doesn't notice them any more than any other billboard along the highways or in towns. 

Seaghan's comments are a typical raise-the-red flag, the-world-is-going-to-end type of reaction. I am sure if one looks into accident reports they would find no evidence of increases in accidents at the service centres where the signs are installed. Find another windmill to tilt at.

Bruce Wilson