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LETTER: One-word change in anthem part of 'healing process'

'If a large number of Canadians would feel some healing and validation by changing one word in our national anthem, I vote yes' says letter writer
USED 2021 11 11 Canadian Flag
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BarrieToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected]. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following letter is in response to 'MONAGUE: Why such a struggle to admit the truth?,' published Feb. 28. 

After reading the (column) regarding a one-word change to the national anthem, I’d like to say I’d vote yes to that.

I feel strongly that as Canadians we all should support the healing process of our fellow Canadians, the first people to be here.

I say fellow Canadians because though it may have been thrust upon many, we are all here now, such as it is. By regarding Canadians as “them and us,” we divide ourselves instead of treating each other as neighbours. If one of us is in trouble, we are all in trouble.

We all belong here. Let’s help each other out.

As humans we tend to make efforts for those we consider to be part of our family, our community, our country — people we relate to. It’s time to be one people looking out for each other.

So, if a large number of Canadians would feel some healing and validation by changing one word in our national anthem, I vote yes.

Valerie Verhey