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The president who cried COVID ... a 2020 horror story

What can you believe? In this week's Everything King, Wendy questions all things presidential
Donald Trump 04242020
President Donald Trump is shown in a photo courtesy of

Do you remember the Aesop’s fable The Boy Who Cried Wolf?

It was about a little shepherd boy who got bored while minding his sheep so he yelled out “Wolf” and went screaming to the villagers that wolves were after his sheep. 

He found it funny watching the people scatter and chase after the flock, so he did it again and again.

When he really did see a wolf and cried out for help, nobody came to rescue him because they thought it was just another of his fake stories.

Moral of the story: Nobody believes a liar even when he's telling the truth!

Whoever thought we’d be dealing with The President Who Cried COVID.

At this writing, it's been reported that both President Donald Trump and his wife, Melania, have tested positive for COVID-19.

That should have been the big headline and it was until literally hours later when people started to wonder if this, too, was a lie.

It shouldn't matter if you are Canadian or American or anything else, nor should it matter if you are even political.

It is simply obvious that the United States president is a liar. 

So, can you even wrap your mind around the fact that he can’t even be trusted to tell the truth about his health, even though that has an impact on the entire world?

Did anyone question it when Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s wife, Sophie, reported she had COVID-19? I hope not. I heard only concern.

It is all so 2020, isn’t it?

Everything is topsy-turvy.

First of all, Trump has mocked people who have worn masks, which is the one thing all medical experts have said we can all do to reduce infections.

At that horrendous debate between Trump and Joe Biden, the president poked fun at the fact Biden is hosting physically distant campaign stops and always wearing a mask. He basically called him a fool. 

But who is the fool?

So now, if you believe Trump, he has the disease which he has called both a hoax and that he tried to downplay to get people back on the job and to school so the economy could bounce back.

Will he wear a mask from here on out?

Will he admit he was wrong about the severity of the virus and how it spreads? 

Will he come clean about the fact that it is not going away on its own?

Will he apologize for all the misinformation that, in part, contributed to the deaths of many of his fellow Americans?

If he is ill, it could be catastrophic in terms of the governing of the country.

Instability is never good.

If we have all learned anything, it's that he will never admit to making a mistake. 

There will be so much spin we will be dizzy.

The headline for me, though, which is the fact that he has lied so much that nobody is sure if he is really positive for the coronavirus. You can’t even be sure his doctors are telling the truth — the whole truth.

Admittedly, the timing is odd.

On the heels of that ridiculous and embarrassing presidential debate, what if he just didn’t want to do the next two? Illness is a good excuse. The guidelines were going to change so he could no longer interrupt, badger, bully, or talk over his opponent. Those new rules were not going to work to his benefit.

As he is seemingly setting up a scenario whereby if he loses the election in November, he won't accept the result.  

So, what about throwing this illness into the mix. Is it another monkeywrench?

Could it postpone things? Could it be a pity play?

It has certainly taken attention away from his alleged lack of tax payment and his lack of denunciation of white supremacy.

The only good thing that might come of this might be that it is a wake-up call to the world.

If the leader of the U.S.A., who is protected at every turn, can contract this deadly disease, so can anyone else.

If it changes his administration’s narrative that we should, globally, be staying apart, washing our hands and at the very least wearing a mask — then maybe, just maybe, it is a positive.

If this is just more misinformation, it will eventually come out.

There has been a wolf in the White House for four years who has pulled the wool over the sheep’s eyes for long enough.

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About the Author: Wendy King

Wendy King writes about all kinds of things from nutrition to the job search from cats to clowns — anything and everything — from the ridiculous to the sublime. Watch for Wendy's column weekly.
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