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Will accused in alleged street racing death testify?

Lawyers to reveal if defence will call evidence

The Crown wrapped up its case Thursday against two young Barrie men on trial for an alleged street-racing death.   

Theresa Van Wieren-Wisch, 45, was killed instantly, her 13-year old son Ingo injured when her Toyota Corolla was hit by a black BMW as she pulled out of a Tim Hortons on Mapleview Drive West on April 4, 2014.

The prosecution alleges the black BMW was racing with a white Mazda 3 at the time of the fatal collision.

The young men, now 19 and 20, have both pleaded not guilty but cannot be named under the Youth Criminal Justice Act because they were 17 when the crash occurred. 

Crown attorney Frederick Temple called ten witnesses, including Van Wieren-Wisch's son Ingo who wept as he testified that he constantly has flashbacks.

Plumber Joseph O'Shea was among several witnesses who testified they saw two speeding cars and then the crash.

Plumber said he spoke to the driver of the BMW immediately after impact. 

"I said to him I saw what you guys were doing.  I saw you guys racing"

O'Shea said the driver replied, "We weren't racing sir."

The incident was captured on four separate surveillance cameras and that video was analyzed by a Barrie Police Collision Reconstruction expert who presented his findings in court. 

The exact speed of each vehicle is a key issue at trial.

The defence is not compelled to call any evidence nor are the accused compelled to testify.

Defence lawyers Terry Hawtin and Peter Brauti will reveal their next move this morning.