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Snowmobile Safety

Now that the winter snowmobile season is here, sledders and drivers alike need to be aware of each other.
snowmobile Yamaha-SX-Viper-2015



Now that the winter snowmobile season is here, sledders and drivers alike need to be aware of each other.

Here are a few simple rules to keep your snow machine experience a good one.


Be aware that sledders are out and about.

They can use the roadway, and may appear on the shoulder, or in the live lane.

Snowmobiles are restricted to 20 km/h in 50 km/h or less zones, and to 40 km/h in all other zones.

Watch for snow machines crossing the highway at trail ends.

Like any other merging vehicle, snowmobiles are required to yield the right of way to vehicles approaching.


Make sure your snow machine is in good working order, including lights and all safety equipment.

It must be registered and insured, and you must carry those documents with you at all times.

A driver’s licence or a snow machine operator’s card is required. Abstain from alcohol.

Wear a helmet and warm clothing. Drive within the limits of your ability.

Watch for hazards such as fences, rocks and parked cars.

Make sure your OFSC trail permit is attached, and get permission before using private property.

Stop before crossing a roadway, and yield to approaching traffic.

Stick to the speed limits when using roadways.

Together, we can make the winter sports season a safe and happy one!



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