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Milligan's Pond will get closer look at possibly making it a city park

The motion seeks an investigation, not action, at this point
2020-05-28 Milligan Pond RB 4
Audrey Milligan Park, known locally as Milligan's Pond, as seen from Perry Street. Raymond Bowe/BarrieToday

Trails, benches and signs could one day grace Audrey Milligan Pond in Barrie

City council gave final approval Monday night to have staff investigate designating the natural area, known locally as Milligan's Pond, as a city park  giving it trails, signs and benches  then report back to the city building committee.

Located near the corner of Perry and Innisfil streets, Milligan's Pond is also occupied by some of Barrie’s homeless people.

Coun. Keenan Aylwin, who represents this area of the city, has described it as an under-utilized area with discarded needles and garbage that could be beautiful if cleaned up.

The motion seeks an investigation, not action at this point.

City council approved in January a proposed supportive modular housing project on nearby Vespra Street, the old fire-hall site, which carries a $3-million cost.