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Driverseat breaks records New Years Eve

Driverseat franchisees across Canada reported record sales and ride numbers as customers took advantage of the convenient service to get them and their vehicle home safe after celebrating New Years Eve.
Luke and Brian Bazely, co-founders of Driverseat Inc. seen outside their Kitchener head office.



Designated Drives started at 4 p.m. New Years Eve afternoon

KITCHENER, ON - Driverseat franchisees across Canada reported record sales and ride numbers as customers took advantage of the convenient service to get them and their vehicle home safe after celebrating New Years Eve.

“Customers really appreciated the fact they could book the service in advance. We are the only company that allows that on such a busy night. You can’t pre-book a taxi or Uber.“ stated Brian Bazely, co-founder Driverseat. “Add to that the convenience of driving to your destination, dropping off kids, going for dinner etc then being able to have your car driven home for you, and the combination makes for an attractive service offering.”

Driverseat franchise owners provide service by hiring Coachmen (drivers) to travel to destinations in pairs, one to drive the customer’s car and the second to follow and retrieve the driver.

These two are called Coachmen and Chasers.

“The first reported Designated Drive was at 3:30 p.m. New Years Eve,“ adds Luke Bazely, co-founder Driverseat. “We have seen this trend of earlier start times continue as responsible customers finish afternoon cocktails or drinks during an office party.”

“We did a high number of long distance rides,” remarks Steve Findlay, Franchisee Sault Ste. Marie. ”Customers booked in advance which allowed them to enjoy their evening without worry about transportation. We had a great night”

“One of our Coachmen received a platter of food while they waited for the customers to gather their coats,” stated Mike McMillan, Franchisee Burlington. “The customer sent the hostess of the restaurant out with some food. Our teams had a fun night and were happy to get their customers home safe.”

Driverseat offers four unique transportation services, all linked to driving the customer’s car for them.

Designated Driving, the flagship service, allows a customer to designate a driver when they are unable to, or using better judgment, opt not to drive themselves.

While customers use the service to drive them back from medical appointments, when they are on prescription drugs, when the weather is bad or when they don’t want to navigate the busy highways, the peak hours and days are related to evenings and stat holidays.

“Our goal is to continue to grow our franchise system across North America.” Adds Brian. “We strongly believe that removing the barrier of having to leave your car behind will continue to reduce impaired driving and ultimately, save lives. As we open new locations, customers in those markets will now have an easy, cost effective alternative to driving after consuming alcohol.”

About Driverseat

Founded in 2012, Driverseat is a franchise-based business with territories available across Canada and the U.S.

With four services available, Driverseat is the solution for anyone interested in getting their vehicle from one point to another, when better judgment suggests they shouldn’t or when they would prefer not to drive themselves.

Driverseat offers Designated Driving, Airport Chauffeur, Assisted Transport and Vehicle Chauffeur.

Driverseat is offering franchises to qualified individuals across Canada and the U.S. who are interested in providing solutions for their community while creating a strong business for themselves.

(PHOTO PROVIDED: Luke and Brian Bazely, co-founders of Driverseat Inc.)