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Talk Is Free Theatre kicks off new decade with 'wildly imaginative double-bill'

Special preview performance of 'Herringbone' and 'The Yalta Game' takes place January 23
Dylan Trowbridge
Supplied photo of Director Dylan Trowbridge

Talk Is Free Theatre (TIFT) begins the new decade with a wildly imaginative double-bill including an unearthed piece of neglected Canadian theatre history and a playfully penned adaptation from one of Russia’s most influential writers.

Continuing this season’s theme of celebrating the beautiful and the brutal, Herringbone is a deeply layered exploration of the effects on a young boy forced into the entertainment industry during dire times. The Yalta Game centers around two star-crossed strangers who are profoundly connected and invent ways of freeing themselves from their monotony
Making his directorial debut with TIFT is Dylan Trowbridge, whose Dora Moore Award-nominated work blends tragedy and fantasy to create bold, unique experiences for the audience. Herringbone and The Yalta Game offer an evening of masterful storytelling, artistry and reverie, presenting the power of imagination to break free from the shackles that hold us back from becoming the best versions of ourselves.

Herringbone by Tom Cone leads the double-bill in what renowned journalist Christopher Dafoe describes as a “one-man show to end all one-man shows”.

Written in a time when Canadian theatre revolved around naturalistic family dramas, Cone emerged with a revolutionary mindset that explored existential, raw, and boundary-breaking narratives. Herringbone is a deeply personal journey of trauma that blends elements of musical theatre and comedy that only a truly outstanding performer could deliver.  
“When I first read Herringbone, I knew it was a vehicle for a virtuoso actor and I immediately imagined Mike Nadajewski” says Trowbridge. He adds, “Mike [Nadajewski] is all at once a comedic genius, a virtuoso singer, and a deeply complicated and curious actor. He is a singular talent who is more equipped than anyone else in the country to tell this story.”

Herringbone is the story of George whose family’s finances are devastated after the Great Depression and his parents sacrifice him to the vaudeville circuit to make ends meet. Over a 25-year career George becomes a living legend, but one night he has had enough and proceeds to spontaneously expose his parents for what they have done.

The Yalta Game is written by Brian Friel and adapted from the short story The Lady with the Dog by Anton Chekhov. Chekhov was one of the most distinguished figures in Russian theatre whose work illustrated the themes of yearning and longing for adventure, which are driving motives in The Yalta Game.

Trowbridge explains, “The Yalta Game is about releasing the shackles of ordinary life and exploring thrilling new territory in both the real and imagined world.”
During a vacation in Yalta, a resort city on the Crimean Coast in the Ukraine, Dmitri and Anna meet and immediately find themselves profoundly connected to one another. As their romance swells and they yearn to be with each other, they fear what repercussions their amorous dalliance will have on their lives and on their spouses.
Navigating the space between infidelity and genuine love is complicated territory and Trowbridge explains “before the play begins [Dmitri and Anna] are entrenched in a lonely existence and yearn to escape the ordinary.”

He notes that “this is a play about imagination and these characters leave reality behind so [that] they can exist together on an imaginary plane – to profoundly connect in an imaginary world rather than in the real one.”

WHEN: Preview is on Jan. 23, opens on Jan. 24 and runs to Feb. 1, 2020

PERFORMANCE TIMES: Wednesday and Thursday at 7:30 p.m., Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m., and a matinee at 2 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 1

WHERE: Five Points Theatre, 1 Dunlop St. W., Barrie, Ont.
