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Ruby rocks lemonade stand to support people with Down syndrome

Fundraiser Saturday in Barrie expected to raise $1,000
Flanking Ruby Cordua at her lemonade stand Saturday afternoon at Loblaws in Barrie are, from left, Mila Brophey, Kate Rugelis, Lola Cordua, Ruby’s sister, Claire Chesterman, Madysen Rugelis and Brianna Fullan.

Rockin’ It With Ruby handed out cold lemonade and took in funds for people with Down syndrome Saturday in Barrie.

Ruby Cordua, 4, was fundraising at the Bayfield Street Loblaws with friends and family.

“We fundraise for children all across Ontario who have Down syndrome,” said Ruby’s mother, Ashley. “We are there to provide them with financial bursaries.”

This buys strollers, school supplies, computers, occupational and physical therapy, car seats, high chairs and speech therapy, among other necessities.

“There is no government funding, so they come to us,” said Ashley.

The goal Saturday was to raise $1,000, but Ashley says she expects that to double with the foot traffic at the busy north-end supermarket, after moving from the family driveway. It doesn’t hurt that Loblaws donated the lemonade, along with sidewalk space for the stand.

And the big one is still to come, the fourth annual Down Syndrome Walk on Sunday, Oct. 22 at 12:30 p.m. at Fort Willow Conservation Area in Springwater Township.

“We should have 400 to 500 people there,” Ashley said.

She said the walk could raise $15,000 to $20,000, and that Rockin’ It With Ruby usually brings in $50,000 for the year, all told.

More information is available at

From the Down Syndrome Advocacy Foundation website: “Down syndrome is a genetic condition caused by an extra copy of the 21st chromosome, also referred to as Trisomy 21. This extra genetic material may affect many aspects of an individual’s development including cognition speech/language, motor skills, overall health, as well as physical characteristics.”


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