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Wendy resolves to be honest . . . about her resolutions

In today's Everything King, Wendy lists her most accurate New Year's Resolutions
jogger exhausted running fitness tired stock

This is the time of year for some solid reflection.

I was thinking about the past year and all that it brought and some things that it took away. I keep coming back to something I never really gave much thought to before. A quality I always valued but also just took for granted.

That is honesty.

In the last couple of years (you can likely figure out by that timeline why honesty has become so important) I think I may value honesty above all else. Give me the good old days when you just believed what you were told (at least, in most cases, you thought you could believe it) Now, by the time certain politicians speak and we have to then fact check and research and double and triple check sources, I usually have forgotten what the subject matter was.

If I had a time machine, I would go back to when a person's word was his bond, a promise made was a promise kept and a handshake was the same as a contract.

This brings me to resolution time. I usually do make a list and usually the same basic things are on it. I'm not going to do that this year. I am going to give you honesty.

STOP PROCRASTINATING: Most every new year I promise myself that I will not procrastinate. Each year I get worse for putting things off. I will get things done early. I will tackle things head on. But, more about procrastination later!!

ORGANIZATION: Let's face it: I am not going to get more organized this year. Oh sure, I will try. I will think about it. I will even buy the nice colour coded boxes that will look great in the closet in anticipation of getting things sorted out. I will likely spend about 40 dollars in the Dollar Store on plastic bins and new see-thru containers. But, I will forget where I put them or forget to label them and there will be no increase in organization occurring. Chances are I will lose the lids, anyway.

GET HEALTHY: Truth be told. I highly doubt there is a gym membership in my future either. I will think about increasing my activity level until I get so tired thinking about it that I need a little rest. As my dad once said " If I ever see a jogger with a smile on his face - THEN - I will run after him".

EATING BETTER: That's always right at the top of everyone's resolution list. I usually try. Again, though, you can't start it right at the beginning of the new year because you have to finish up all the Christmas cookies, candy and leftovers. You simply must. That is because its not good to be wasteful. In fact, that's a very good resolution. Don't waste stuff! I can do the avocado on toast routine for a good two weeks before the bacon craving kicks back in.

CUT BACK ON CAFFEINE: Ha! I am not going to even pretend I am going to go that! Ridiculous! Besides, I have read studies that have suggested coffee is good for you, makes you happier, increases your longevity and keeps you from harming others. I choose to believe that study.

MAKE A BUDGET: Kill me now. I would rather stick my head in a bucket of ice cubes that try to figure out a budget. I have had friends offer to sit down with me and write down expenses and savings and put them in a pie chart. Unless the pie has pecans in it, I am not interested. Figuring out finances is not going to make 2019 any more fun. Its just going to make it seem really long and boring.

So, to recap. It appears I am going to be the same disorganized, messy, overdrawn, listless, overly caffeinated person I was in 2018.

Just being honest!

That's a good start, right?

Happy New Year!

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About the Author: Wendy King

Wendy King writes about all kinds of things from nutrition to the job search from cats to clowns — anything and everything — from the ridiculous to the sublime. Watch for Wendy's column weekly.
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